Founded in 1995, École de cirque de Québec (ÉCQ) is a non-profit organization offering professional training in circus arts to Quebec and international artists, as well as a wide range of recreational classes for local clients of all ages and levels.


The school began its circus workshops and classes in the gymnasium of the Louis-Jolliet center, then in the ExpoCité youth pavilion, before finally settling permanently in 2003 in the former Saint-Esprit church in the heart of Quebec City’s Vieux-Limoilou district, where it continues to operate today.


True to its reputation as a driving force in the development of circus arts in Quebec City, and beyond its provincial and national borders, in 2010 the school embarked on a second phase of new facilities to meet the growing needs of the circus community.

Facade École de cirque de Québec en été


Respect – Respect is the foundation of all our actions and decisions. We take into account the needs, opinions and expectations of our students, staff, volunteers, customers and partners.

Openness – Openness is the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, to be always ready to learn, to be able to adjust our knowledge, skills and abilities to constantly evolving user markets, while respecting the School’s organizational culture.

Rigor – Rigor is one of the values that guide our decisions. It is the guarantee of a job well done, and of continuous improvement in the services we offer our customers. It also contributes to the continued development of the School’s image of professionalism.

Autonomy – Autonomy is an essential quality for progressing as an artist and an adult. By developing autonomy, students will feel freer to explore their artistic approach with confidence, and will be better able to assess their limits.

Enthusiasm – Enthusiasm is the driving force behind circus artists. It helps us support our colleagues in everyday life. It’s contagious, and above all, it allows us to see life more creatively.

Creativity – Creativity is an essential tool for overcoming future challenges. It enables us to make connections, find solutions and innovate. 

Surpassing oneself – A sense of achievement is the cornerstone of any circus artist’s career; without it, nothing is possible.


Artistic; stimulates the emergence of new generations and supports professional artists.

Educational; offers professional and recreational training activities.

Community; develops workshops in collaboration with specialized stakeholders to promote the development of circus, children and adolescents with specific needs. (Autism, school dropout, intellectual and / or physical disabilities, etc.)


Anyone who attends, visits or stays at the École de cirque de Québec (ECQ) has the right to protection, safety and respect for their physical, psychological and moral integrity. The management of the ECQ has a duty to ensure that it offers a healthy and safe environment, free from any form of abuse, aggression, harassment or violence, as well as to provide assistance to any related person. to the ECQ who would need it.

This prevention policy is based on the laws in force in Quebec and in Canada, as well as on student guides and employee guides.


The École de cirque de Québec has set up a francization committee, in compliance with the regulations laid down by the Quebec government, in order to generalize the use of French at all levels of the organization, both as a working language and for day-to-day business.

This committee is composed as follow:

Company representants:
Tim Roberts, General Manager
Sonia Lessard, Executive assistant

Committee members:
Ghislain Cormier, Building manager
Béatrice Pelletier, Administrative assistant
Karina Werneck-Assis
Flavie Roy


École de cirque de Québec
750, 2e avenue
Québec (Québec) G1L 3B7


Téléphone: 418 525-0101
Télécopieur: 418 525-9659
[email protected]


September to June

  • Everyday, Monday to Sunday: 9AM to 5PM


June to September

  • Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: closed


  • From December 20, 12 noon to January 5 inclusively
  • School reopens January 6 at 9 a.m.

    BANK HOLIDAYS (closed school)

    • January 1st (New year’s day)
    • Easter Monday
    • National Patriots’ Day (Monday before May 25)
    • June 24 (Quebec’s national holiday, St-Jean Baptiste)
    • July 1st (Canada Day)
    • September 1st (Labour Day)
    • 2nd Monday in October (Thanksgiving)
    • December 25 (Christmas Day)

    © Nicolas Hallet